'The Walking Dead' preview: The best episode ever? [Exclusive photos]

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira) in "The Walking Dead" Season 3 episode, "Clear."

On second thought, no need to pose that as a question … this Sunday's new episode of "The Walking Dead" -- the 12th episode of Season 3, titled "Clear" -- is, in our humble opinion, the best episode of the series so far.

We know, we know, that's saying a lot for a series that has shockingly killed off major, beloved characters and broken our little zombie-apocalypse-lovin' hearts more than a few times, but rest assured, we don't make the statement lightly.

Last week, Rick Grimes shared his plan to take son Carl and newest prison pal Michonne out on a run for supplies, specifically weapons they can use in their imminent next battle with the Governor.

"Clear," teased in these photos, finds Rick doing just that, and along the way he encounters a booby-trapped area that leads to a shocking discovery, one that just may be the thing that can push Rick back to the sanity he's been falling further and further away from since his wife, Lori, died earlier this season.

Without giving away too much -- you so don't want this instant-classic installment to be spoiled -- "Clear" also provides fans more reason to love Carl Grimes, includes an adventure that may cement Michonne's place in Rick's group, and, in a few much-needed moments of levity in the powerful episode, reveals that Michonne has a cheeky sense of humor.

The only downside: After "Clear," there are only four episodes left in Season 3.

"The Walking Dead" airs Sundays at 9pm on AMC.