'Veronica Mars' Movie Update: Over $4 million Raised, Documentary Coming

Creator Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell thank fans in special video.

The "Veronica Mars" movie project may have reached its goal to raise $2 million from fans, but it's not stopping there.

With money now flowing in from around the world -- including Canada, Europe, and Australia -- the Kickstarter fund tops an astounding $4 million. And there are still 15 days to go!

Creator Rob Thomas and stars Kristen Bell, Enrico Colantoni, and Ryan Hansen filmed a special appreciation video that chronicled their amazed reactions to the fundraising success.

"I think I'm the last one to wake up this morning because I'm still very pregnant," a sleepy Bell (still in bed) said. At that point, the Kickstarter has already gained almost a quarter of a million dollars. "This is so cool. I need some coffee."

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They celebrated as the pledges reached the $2 million goal mark in less than 12 hours. An ecstatic Thomas said, "Thank you and, God, I hope we don't let you down with the movie."

Bell added, "I'm so happy to be a part of this whole weird, wonderful thing that we're doing. And I'm so grateful to be in it with all of you."

The video may be part of a forthcoming documentary about the project, its crowdfunding success, and the actual filming of the movie, which is tentatively set for this summer.

"We're hoping to go to Comic-Con, maybe have some footage to show at Comic-Con," Thomas told The Hollywood Reporter. "We have a documentary following the making of the movie."

Even though the goal was reached, the project continues fundraising in order to increase the movie's budget. As Thomas explained, "There's an altercation [at a high school reunion in the film], and how much money we raise affects whether that is having terse words exchanged or a full-on brawl."