Did Beyonce Photoshop Her Thigh Gap Again?

This Beyonce photo looks a little off center.

It’s fair to say that Beyonce’s legs are envied among women everywhere, but that doesn’t keep her from what appears to look like Photoshopping herself.

The latest photo in question comes from the singer's recent vacation shots on Beyonce.com, see if you can notice what's a little off here.

At first glance, it is difficult to spot, but the top stair in between her thighs isn’t straight. Is this another thigh gap alter?

To refresh your memory, Beyonce also posted these Instagram photos that called her thighs into question.

NEWS: Did Beyonce Photoshop Her Thigh Again?

In this photo on August 11, there is a curved iPhone that makes her thigh look shady.

Then there's this golf picture that happened five months ago looked off to her followers who left comments like "Her thighs get thinner like magic. The photoshop is unnecessary."

Whether Beyonce Photoshops or not, there is one thing that's for sure. She doesn't need it — she's flawless!

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Look no further than her September 17 swimsuit shot to see why she's so envied.

To see the power of Beyonce, watch the video below.

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