Get ready for the raid on Osama with a sneak-preview scene from NatGeo's 'Seal Team Six' [Exclusive Video]

National Geographic Channel's "Seal Team Six," a dramatic account of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, debuts November 4 -- but you can watch an exclusive scene from the film right here on Yahoo! TV.

The clip builds plenty of tension, as it cuts between the grimly silent strike team's helicopter ride to bin Laden's compound; the analysts in the situation room (including Eddie Kaye Thomas of "American Pie" and Kathleen Robertson of "Boss") as they await developments; and a child wandering into the compound's courtyard, awakened either by the lone dog barking in the distance, or by a sixth sense that something world-altering is about to happen.

And then one of the choppers begins losing altitude. Watch and see for yourself -- but we really felt the anticipation building (and may have let an "aw, but?" slip out when the clip ended). Are you watching "ST6" when it airs? Did the clip make you want to?

"Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden" premieres Sunday, November 4 on the National Geographic Channel.