Ellen Wears A Dress On TV!

"The View": I'm not really sure why they opened the show with the ladies arguing with the producer about not liking his zombie reality star costume idea, because they came out looking amazing! Although it is kind of sad that people who didn't even want to dress up looked way better than me, and I love dressing up! I guess with a big budget and a great makeup department, anything is possible!

"Ellen": Ellen recreated one of her biggest TV moments of the year by dressing up as viral video star/pint-sized Nicki Minaj super-bass-fan Sophie Grace. And for all you guys who had October 31st in the "Ellen wears a dress on TV" office pool, come collect your cash!

"Regis and Kelly": Wow, who knew that today's Kardashian Halloween tribute (featuring Kelly as Kim K. in a wedding dress, and Nick Lachey as Kris Humphries on stilts!) would last about as long as their marriage? Regis took his final Halloween show off from work, but I'm sure he was keeping up with it from home... dressed in his pajamas!

"Wendy Williams": The budget for Dub-Dub's Halloween special must have been pretty small because it wasn't long ago that Wendy was showing off her free "Pan Am" travel bag that she received as a promotional item from that show, and then she comes out dressed as a "Pan Am" stewardess today! Some would call it frugal, but I call it being resourceful!

"Today": Hmm… the Halloween spectacular on "Today" always lives up to the hype, and while this year's costumes were top notch (Al as Prince Harry and Savannah as Prince Charles) were up to snuff they didn't really have anything to do! Just like the real royals!

"Access Hollywood Live": Billy was pretty impressive in his Justin Bieber costume. Between the wig, the fake glasses and the clothes, he looked just like him! And I suppose it doesn't hurt that they're about the same height as well! Don't get mad, BB… I'm the same size, too!

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