Concerned, Joyless Prudes Decry Televised Teen Sex

A musical teen drama's plan to air an episode revolving around two couples — one gay, one straight — and their possible engagement in sexual intercourse has led conservative groups to publicly declare their disapprobation.

The series in question has always met with horror and disgust by the sorts of right-wing watchdogs so arrogant that they claim to speak for all parents. Nevertheless, the groups' announcement that they did not support the episode's depiction of teen sex was treated as though it were news.

Forward-thinking parents who enjoy the teen-targeted series with their children might consider using the episode as a jumping-off point for a frank discussion about sexuality and what young persons should think about before deciding whether they might be ready for sexual activity. However, thoughtful parents who treat their children like people rather than getting hysterically protective about every assault the real world makes upon their fragile angels are not represented by either of the groups whose press releases were reported by the media today.

As a result of said coverage, the organizations have had their outraged overreactions confirmed, and therefore we all should expect to see another spate of "news" stories the next time the creative people who produce pop-cultural products dare to use said products to reflect reality in an inclusive way.