'Scandal' Star Katie Lowes: Twitter Saved Our Show [Video]

'Scandal' Star Katie Lowes: Twitter Saved Our Show [Video]

If you're on Twitter Thursday nights, you know that it's all #Scandal, all the time.

The twisty, turn-y second season of "Scandal" has been dominating the social networking site, with fans furiously typing about the hot-and-heavy affair between Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) and President Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn) and the identity of a government mole.

In fact, star Katie Lowes credits Twitter with the show's renewal last year.

[Related: Missed Last Week's 'Scandal'? Catch Up With Our Recap]

"We trend every Thursday night, and now we think about scripts in terms of Twitter," she told Ben Lyons of Yahoo!'s "The Sidebar" in an interview. "When we read them, we're like, 'Twitter is going to blow up in this moment!'"

Not only that, the frenzied tweeting has won them some high-profile fans -- like Oprah Winfrey. After she discovered the show on Twitter, the TV icon visited the set.

"I lost my mind," Lowes said. "She walked right up to me and squeezed my face … and I died."

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Winfrey isn't the only one; Mary J. Blige and Lena Dunham are also ardent supporters of "Scandal." But the show's burgeoning popularity does have one drawback: a case of FOS (fear of spoilers).

"We can't even take the scripts from the table reads anymore. We have to check them out," Lowes laughed, adding she's scared to have "a drink with someone and … slip up and say something you shouldn't."

Uh, someone buy Lowes a cocktail, stat!

Go #Gladiators!

Watch a preview of the season finale: 

The second-season finale of "Scandal" airs Thursday, 5/16 at 10 PM on ABC.