This Girl's Game of Hide and Seek With Her Dog Will Make Your Heart Grow Three Sizes

Ready or not, here I come...

We’re only using a Grinch reference in the title because the family in this video already has their Christmas tree up. (Yes, already. We double-checked and the video was uploaded this week. They are PREPARED. Do you even have your Halloween costume picked out?)

Yuletide shaming aside, this video will make you so, so happy: It’s a little girl named Sierra challenging her dog, a Newfoundland named Sebastien who’s about three times her size, to a game of hide and seek.

Sierra hides, Sebastien seeks…

WATCH: Kids get into the cutest little argument over the weather!

Most of the video is Sebastien searching the (very, very clean, despite having a baby and a dog) home — which is more entertaining than it sounds — but eventually, he finds Sierra:

And it’s CUUUUUUTE. Watch the video here:

And for even more cute games, watch these babies play peekaboo:

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